6103 Mt. Tacoma Dr

Lakewood, WA 98499

Clinic Hours

Monday-Thursday 8:30AM-7PM

Fridays: 8:30-3PM

Phone Number


October 24, 2023

5:00 pm

6:30 pm

6103 Mt. Tacoma Drive, Lakewood, WA 98499

Emotion Detectives: For Teens and Caregivers

Group Information!

Emotion Detectives is an evidence-based group for teens who are struggling with difficult emotions such as anxiety, sadness, anger, fear or depression.

The goal of this group is that teens will feel less distress when they experience difficult emotions and they will develop strategies to cope with and manage those emotions.

This series consists of two groups.

  • One for teens only.
  • One for caregivers to learn more about their important role in supporting their teens and families in this process. It is highly recommended that adult caregivers join!

Need to know more about the event? Email us!