About the Steven A. Cohen Military Family Clinic at Valley Cities
About the Steven A. Cohen Military Family Clinic at Valley Cities
The Steven A. Cohen Military Family Clinic at Valley Cities provides high-quality mental healthcare services accessible to all post-9/11 veterans (including National Guard and Reserves), their families, and the families of active duty service members including spouse or partner, children, parents, siblings, caregivers, and others.
Q: I’m a veteran or family member. How quickly will I receive mental health care at a Steven A. Cohen Military Family Clinic?
A: The expected wait between first contact and a first appointment at a Steven A. Cohen Military Family Clinic is more than one week. If you are in crisis, our clinics will give you a first appointment on the same day you contact us.
Q: As a veteran or family member seeking mental health care, what can I expect during my first visit to a Steven A. Cohen Military Family Clinic?
A: Each new client goes through an intake process. The first step is an initial screening which usually occurs over the telephone but can be in person if that is your preference. The screening helps the clinic obtain general demographic information, reason for seeking treatment, and other questions related to a client’s needs. The care coordinator will use the intake process to help identify the best clinician based on a client’s unique needs.
Q: How long do Steven A. Cohen Military Family Clinics provide mental health care to veterans and their families?
A: Steven A. Cohen Military Family Clinics provide short- and medium-term outpatient mental health care support but are not intended to be long-term care providers. Clinics will also provide case management services to help connect veterans and their families to additional support like housing programs, long-term care, and acute or emergency care, as necessary.
Q: What is the cost of mental health care for veterans and their families at Steven A. Cohen Military Family Clinics?
A: The Cohen Veterans Network is a not-for-profit philanthropic organization. All post-9/11 veterans and their families are eligible for no or low-cost treatment at the Steven A. Cohen Military Family Clinics. The clinics have begun instituting an insurance and low-cost co-payment structure based on location and patient preference, in order to support the long-term sustainability and growth of the network as it expands. All funds collected from insurance go right back into providing care for clients at our clinics.
Q: Does our Steven A. Cohen Military Family Clinic accept solicitations or donations?
A: Currently, we accept public contributions as major donations.
For a more comprehensive list of all Frequently asked questions, Please take a look at https://www.cohenveteransnetwork.org/faqs/, or contact us and we will be glad to talk to you.
Thank you to our incredible sponsors!
Thank you to our generous supporters and collaborators! Because of you, we can continue to serve our community through improving the lives of our veterans, service members and their families across Washington State for years to come.
Making Our Mission Possible
This program is made possible in part by funding from the Bob Woodruff Foundation, which is
dedicated to ensuring that our nation’s veterans, service members and their families — those who stood for us — have stable and successful futures.